If only you knew you were the one

If only you gave me one more chance


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I'm Alyssa Leong, God brought me into this world
on 20th March 1994, That's right, I'm 15.
I inspire to be a Singer/ Actress
My friends are AWESOME, Family is Great
I'm in love with a guy, who is basically my type
God has been guiding me every step of the way
Lastly, Don't let my size fool you

My wants.

Dear Santa, here's my wishlist, HIM
to be a famous Singer
Aldo Heels,
That Dress
Guitar, Acoustic and Electrical






MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

I wish I can fly.

Abram. Amanda(Aussiebuddy:D). Caleb. Dorcas. Emilyn. Mattathias . Natalia. Natalie. Pearly. Priscilla. Rachel. ShiMin. Zahiya. GOOGAMBONG!
Al-Emporio. Amalina. Belinda. Charmaine. Chervon. Chienyee. Fatin. JiaQi. Joey. Joy. Junyuan. KangHao. Lincoln. Lydia. Mas. Marilyn. Nithya. Nigel. Pearly. Ren Hui. Richelle. Samantha. Sarah. SuMay. Tricia. Yingwen. Yunxin. Zahiya. ZheHui.


October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2011


Designer: Jocelyn.
Bases: Surrender!yourtechno.
Quotes: Quotegarden
Avatar: Glitter-graphics
Image hosting: Photobucket
Hosting: Blogskins| Blogger
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2007
Title: New Beginning

Goodbye 1F.... i will miss the times we've spent.
And HELLO 2H! it may not be my dream class
but i have a lot of friends there..but will still
be missing my old class a lot and i mean alot
Gee,i never really thought i would miss them.

Date: Monday, November 19, 2007
Title: Sec1 camp!

i'm the onein blue jacket

I totally forgot to post this! ok,i went
for Sec1 camp and wow it was so fun,
we stayed at 79,we played fool's ball and pool,
oh ya and taboo,we like were laughing alot,
for dinner,we had BBQ,well,cheryl and natalia did
all the marinading and it was too salty, while bbqing,
sarah accidentally burnt the chair,oh ya the chef was shawn,
he cooked some the beef and aaron was helping him,
it was like a hotel's kitchen where ever one had to follow instructions
from the chef.after that we waited for azmi to come,
when he came we had worship. priscilla brought her
ukele.it was so cute! i learned how to play came to my rescue,
we didnt sleep till 4 as natalia said:"ok lets play a 1 min of silence game",
then shawn,aaron,natalia,cheryl,yan yi and i all fell asleep,
it was natalia's magic game that we fell asleep, around 7 we woke up,
and got ready to go Sentosa,when gracie woke up,she told us to get ready
by 10.30,at 10.30,we left for Sentosa,we sat onthe monorail, and
from the beach station,we walked to siloso beach to play frisbee,
some of us were swimming,and mathias got stung by a lot of
jellyfish,some people swam to the artificial island during the lowtide,
after we came back,azmi took some of us out for dinner,
at a beef noodles shop,it was quite nice,after that azmi,and the boys
went to eat chicken rice! crazy right!while gacie,priscilla and i headed
to the library,it was so big and grand and cooling,after that,
we meet up with guys and azmi sent us home... i wouldn't
forget this exprienced hahas

Date: Friday, November 16, 2007
Title: I'm Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELLO!haiz.. i'm in my friend's house.
she's so rich but keeps saying that she's average man!
i like stay in a 5-room flat and she stays in a semi-D,
well, too me she's rich,i don't know about the rest of you.
haha,finally i am free from my home! haha not that i hate it
but staying in it for tooo long during the holidays is kinda boring.
haha, we're going to sentosa .going to see singapore bands live.
cool huh! must support local talents! AHAH! so excited about today,
so... err i'm going now?
Bye bye ^^(" ,)

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Title: HELP ME!

He's cute and Hot but i swored to never
fall in love again! I kinda like him, he's so
sweet! OMG! I think i really like him, what
should i do?If i tell him,he may not accpet me,
if he accpets me which is so not going to happen,
my ex would bash him up,my head is in a whirl,
its killing me... Would someone please tell me what do to?
Well,i shouldn't be thinking too much on these stuff,my results
are killing me,i still have to study during the holidays,
it's so not me,Holidays are for fun!my holidays this year
are a totally mess,everyone having a great time(i HOPE)
excpet me..iive been suck at home since school ended!
Church doesn't count! i Have to go there! it's a must
Well,only one person asked me out but it was a sunday!!
i had to go to church!So they enjoyed themselves.but on
the bright side, i had a really grea time at church.I wish i could
go out,i feel like a prisoner,i didn't really bond with my class this year
maybe because i couldn't forget the past as they were caring towards me
but actually this year is kinda the same but sometimes i felt like i wasn't
accepted in my class this year,sometimes i felt like a total stranger and sometimes
i love my class,they are so funny and loving towards each other. All 1F people
if you read this please don't get offended as i could
have been the one asking you all out,i miss you guys.Well, i just have to be
stuck here until i have to courage to ask some people out
have to be suck at home to

Title: 28 More days!

Woah,28 more days to Church Camp,
i can't wait man! it's like 5-Star Luxury!
I just can't wait! I'll literally stay above the sea,
we will get to see the ships and sunsets,probably
sharks!or Giant SEA creatures! haha! Nah, Its not possible.
I am like soo impatient.too impatient,but when it ends,
i wouldn't possibly want to go back, i think.
I'll be staying with my Friends Yan Yi and Yan Yan,
they are sisters,people call them the Yan sisters cause,
they look like twins more than sisters.haha! anyway,this
is only one part of my Happy stories..There are many more
Sad stories coming up and less Happy stories,i think as things in my
life aren't going very well now.Well, all i have to do is pray.

Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Title: Tragic

I did something wrong on sunday,
i thought they hated me,when i
found out that they didn't hate me,
it was too late.I scolded them,
i have a feeling that they still hate me,
well,they should actually hate me, i mean
i hurt them so badly.I really shouldn't have done it.
why did i let my emotions control me.
i think i just lost my bestfriends that actually cared
for me,the only friends i trust the most in the universe.
What am i going to do?How am i going to save this friendship?
i am really afraid that i will lose my most trusted friends.
I am really in a mess now.They are always there for me and
yet i broke their hearts,I wish there was something i could do
to make it up to them.i am really so sorry