Disclaimer. Hello, welcome to an-infatuatedlove.blogspot.com. :D No spamming or vulgarities please. Tag when you visit ! ;D Profile. ![]() I'm Alyssa Leong, God brought me into this world on 20th March 1994, That's right, I'm 15. I inspire to be a Singer/ Actress My friends are AWESOME, Family is Great I'm in love with a guy, who is basically my type God has been guiding me every step of the way Lastly, Don't let my size fool you My wants. Dear Santa, here's my wishlist, HIM to be a famous Singer Aldo Heels, That Dress Japan Hollywood, Guitar, Acoustic and Electrical Beloved. God, Friends, Family Him Singing GR.A.M.A.V.Y.S Footprints Chitty-Chatty. Music. I wish I can fly. ZEEZAMZONG YOUTHLIVE!. SeconeF2007. FMSSDRAMA!. BLINGBABONGS Abram. Amanda(Aussiebuddy:D). Caleb. Dorcas. Emilyn. Mattathias . Natalia. Natalie. Pearly. Priscilla. Rachel. ShiMin. Zahiya. GOOGAMBONG! Al-Emporio. Amalina. Belinda. Charmaine. Chervon. Chienyee. Fatin. JiaQi. Joey. Joy. Junyuan. KangHao. Lincoln. Lydia. Mas. Marilyn. Nithya. Nigel. Pearly. Ren Hui. Richelle. Samantha. Sarah. SuMay. Tricia. Yingwen. Yunxin. Zahiya. ZheHui. Rewind. October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2011 Credits. Designer: Jocelyn. Bases: Surrender!yourtechno. Quotes: Quotegarden Avatar: Glitter-graphics Image hosting: Photobucket Hosting: Blogskins| Blogger |
Date: Monday, December 31, 2007
Title: Today,after church,went out with YanyiYanyan, Matthias,Shawn,Aaron. we went to harbourfornt to eat at Subway.all of us ate 6 inch bread while shawn ate, a foot long.we were like super full and shawn was still hungry after eating his foot long bread! man! he can eat,after that we went to vivo city to play at the arcade,Aaron stayed for awhile then left for tuition,we have a lot of fun, we played racing together.then played the jungle park game which we wasted 20 dollars on.then Shawn and Matthias plas after burner while Yanyi, Yanyan and I played Parapara,i dared matt to play and he did it was super funny,i was playing most of the time, and shawn took a video! argh! haha,then we played table hockey and we went back home shawn showed me the video the Parapara one! man! haha! i had fun anyways! man back to school tomorrow! Date: Sunday, December 30, 2007
Title: NZ trip! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The NZ trip was so fun!,i had the greatest time, i took like a 10 hours flight!So long,took the Qantas Airlines,i had my own personal tv,so fun!,i watched a lot of movies, and tv shows,Kenan and Kel and Mr Bean and Spongebob Squarepants! haha,we landed in Auckland, and my dad's friend owns the Heritage hotels in NZ so we stayed in Heritage Auckland,we ate at a place called BBQ, we stayed in Auckland for one night,then we left for Rotora, and stayed in Heritage Rotora, which is nice too, but the smell of Rotora can be a little bad,their termal bath spring gives out the smell of rotton eggs.. but i got used to it so i didn't really care.we stayed in rotora for like 3 days. there was this thing called the zorb. i freaked out when i got to the top. it was kinda scary for me. i almost cried,and we went to this place called waitomo caves which is a glome worm cave and a ruakiri caves too which was cool too. haha.anyway,after Rotora,we went to this place called feilding,which bascially has nothing much, then we went to wellington,the captial of new zealand,which i visited Dorcas,she went there too.she stayed at her aunt's place,we eat lunch at her house,then we went to the harbour,which was super! we slided down this very long slide,it was super cool,then we saw this pole that 'dances' haha,then dorcas,my mum,dad,bro and sis did paddle boat while i roller bladed, i had to rollar balde down this very short "hill" haha it was super cool,the place that we stayed in was citylife wellington,it was super nice!haha.then we went shopping and we watched sherk the halls which was super funny,i laughed a lot,then we left Aucklang by a plane, and we had to leave the most precious car i ever had behind ): it was very cool,we stayed in citylife auckland,level 23! haha we stayed with my dad's friend,the owner of citylife and heritage hotels,their children are our friends,and during christmas eve dinner,we were dinning in heritage auckland,we made new friends,i had cocktails! haha,i eat wagu beef, wagu buddies!haha.we,the kids,chatted well some,my bro played ds,we drank wine,the waiter said that it wasn't that strong,so i took half a cup and my face was qutie red.during christmas,we played twister the world map version,and our legs and hands were like tangled up and pain,christmas dinner was also nice,we have all this at Uncle jeffery's room.the next day we went to this thing called tree adventures,its bascically obsticale course but on trees,the adults including my bro and i were supossed to do 5-8 but because the kids couldn't so we did 1-4 and it was so cool some were freaky,very freaky but at the end of very course there is a flyingfox which you have to do yourself in fact,you have to do everything yourself,no one is holding your string but,it was fun,i kept getting sand in my butt,the next day was going back to singapore time.i have a lot of fun,the best exprience ever,i would like to go there again!oh wait before i forget,we went to this sheep show and farm tour too and we went to the beach too.it was so fun!collected a lot of seashells,took a lot of photos too like plenty ,and i played mini golf! and we went for this village tour and these people survied the war and the cultural show i was sitting right infornt,super scary haha,one part they like slapped their chest till' it was red.haha Date: Friday, December 14, 2007
Title: Hard To Say Goodbye Bye all friends in Church and School, going to miss you guys alots,i won't be celebrating christmas here in Singapore)= Of course,it would be so cool to be celebrating christmas in other country.but celebrating with your friends would be better.This is the first time that i won't be celebrating christmas in Singapore,it feels odd, well, thanks goddness my friend is going to and i can meet her! haha!her dad and my dad are close friends,we'll be going to New Zealand,i know its a can't miss opportunity still i will miss everyone here,so this is a early christmas post! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Title: CHURCH CAMP ROCKED MY WORLD! Church camp was so fun! I think if i didn't go, i won't have known Aaron, Shawn,Yanyan,Yanyi,zach,vanzino,justin,natalie so well well,there were more but these were the people who like i hanged out with the most all the time, during the first day,in the bus we were like sleeping only after the toilet break,we were like talking at the back of the bus Yanyan,Yanyi,Justin,Zach,Leonard and I The back of the bus was super fun,it was so bumpy, when we wanted to sleep again the bus would bump and we couldn't sleep,it was so funny,we were also talking like "dirty" then justin kept saying that we were horny so lame! haha! After a long bus ride,we were finally reached Avillion Resort!in Malaysia port dickson it was so cool like the coolest place,i have ever stayed in haha! we left our bags at the function room and went to the beach for ice breakers,we had sand castle competition,it was so bloody hot! Almost everyone went to buy ice cream,then we collected our keys and bags and went to our room,Yanyan,Yanyi and i were staying on the first floor and the toilet doors were translucent! haha! we bathed and had to go to another hotel to eat our daily meals but that hotel was also grand man!we sat with priscilla,vera,sarah and two new gals, during the first sermon,Yanyi and i were like sleeping,then we wanted to tell Aaron and Shawn stuff but we were sitting qutie far from them so we write stuff on the paper then crashed it into a ball and kept throwing it haha,it was so funny,after sermon,we went back to Avillion and to shawn's room which was like 1 floor above us haha! we like pranked called a lot of people it was so funny,hahaa and we played tai di,aaron kept losing HAHA! then we talked and after that they wanted to go to our room and yanyi was sleeping in their room,when we went out and aaron left the last at the lift we were like Aaron! did you take the key?and he went oh shit! we like "blamed" aaron,we still could laugh,it was so funny,yanyi was still inside,when she woke up she opened and closed the door and she was outside!!!!we called the reception using my room phone,we waited for the person to come then after like half an hour, we went back to the room,then we went back to our own room,and slept at like 3.45 am The Second day well,i can't really remember everything we did but we went to the pasar malam, haha i bought MY SUNGLASSES weee! haha and a dice keychain,vanzino and zach went with us and he was like a faster walker,Singapore is not like Malaysia got a lot of Ci Gou Pei,super funny, haha then we got back and ate instant noodles haha and talked and then went back to our room ans yet again slept at 3 plus am. The Third day we woke up late,yanyan,yanyi and i,horrible we missed the bus! but we decided to stay in our room,we watched Malaysian MTV haha so cool.then we were getting hungry so the yan sisters asked me to sms aaron to call me,he called so aaron called and we told him everything,and we asked shawn and aaron to pack food back for us.haha and they did! usually boys wouldn't really do that.so sweet! after that we wanted to do banana boating but the first group punctured the boat so we couldn't in the end we played volleyball, it was so funny went my bro served the ball,justin shouted chio bu! then aaron missed the ball when justin's team hit back,it was so funny we kept hitting out and missing the ball,yanyan and natalie went for swimming first before i joined them.we played monkey with evan,vanzino,zachand yanyan and natalie then we had to go and bath to bath and we took the bus and we slept as usually went it was the sermon i was sitting nest to aaron,i was like sleeping half way then aaron would start shaking his legs,super irritating,i was like super mad, haha! it was rainning after sermon,and shawn decided to go pasar malam but yanyi and i didn't want to go so only yanayn,shawn and aaron went to the pasar malam,the last night was the best,we played truth or dare and it was always either shawn or aaron it was so funny,we like kept laughing the whole time in their room,then we like kept using aaron's volleyball to wack shawn's dick,he was like i'm going to sleep,we were like you need a wake up call,and i held the ball in my hand,one of shawn's dares was to slam his dick the toilet bowl,it was so funny,and we were like chatting dirty,we kept calling each other horny,haha ohoh yeah on the second day,we like gave each other maid names, my maid name is Amalina,Yanyan's is Aminah,Yanyi's is Maria,Natalie's is Fatimah, Aaron's is Gaytimah and Shawn's is Flaptimah,it was so funny,Aaron was like Amalina,come and wash the cups,and i would be like Yes Sir or sometimes Amalina not free haha!then he will call Aminah,then the girls will like Gaytimah, Flaptimah,come and help!haha super funny,as i was saying that we were talking Aaron was like Alyssa is unfuckable,we were like laughing including me i found it hilarous,haha and went yanyi went out for a while and came back,Shawn opened the door and said:"hey sexy"the look on yanyi's face was seriously funny we watched tv,the project runway show the ad one guy was like"i think andre is sexy and i think it's suppose to come off".sick right?oh yeah we were watching so you think you can dance the last season,one contestan come on, and aaron was like ooo this girl has a huge butt and shawn like fell of the bed! haha it was so funny,then the AMV shows the people were laughing,so funny then Aaron was like:why you laugh at people who are laughing,we liked laughed even more,and we drink milk tea and coffee and hot chocolate,and ate instant noodles again! haha! and in the end shawn and yanyi slept,we didn't want to disturbe them so we left them in the room and Aaron, Yanyan and I went down to Yanyan and my room,and we were hungry so we had to sneak in to Aaron's room so they won't wake up,and we succed! haha and we shared the tom yan intstant noodles,and we chatted more,Aaron was like i dare you to wack my dick using the ball and yanyan took the ball from me and smacked his dick and he was wide awake after that we watched tv and somehow we all fell asleep, i won't forget this last night of camp like ever,it was the best night of all church camp nights i have ever been,we've gotten like super close now.. Last Day): We poned breakfast as we didn't want to eat and then shawn asked whether we wanted to kayak cause every room had 3 free kayaks for half an hour i wanted to go but i didn't change in time..so i didn't go, we packed and said our goodbyes..we didn't want to leave but we had to face reality man,shawn and aaron was like bye sexys and we were like bye handsome and went to the bus,on the bus we slept for like 2 and a half hours then the stupid "tour guide" woke all of us up. and we went down to eat our lunch,after lunch we stopped again to buy stuff,after that,back on the bus, we played tai di,justin,yanyan,yanyi and i and justin kept losing it was so funny,he kept saying that he give chance haha i had a deck with all four dis haha! i won ! like obviously! we killed a bug, on the first bus trip justin was llike thou shall not kill then he killed the bug it was the same on the bus on the last day,it was super! then we checked in to singapore and back to church and went over to 79 and played pool and fool's ball and at around 8pm we left and took a taxi and i left my phone in the taxi!! thanks god that jade was in it,if not i was goodbye to my phone. I'm like having camp sick,i miss them man! like i don't know why maybe its because we got super close..haha anyway i'm going to new zealand. i'm going to miss them badly, if you guys wnt anything from new zealand just tell me i'm taalking about aaron,shawn,yanyan,yanyi,van,zach,natalie,justin. i'll get something for you anyway for a thank you gift without them,my church camp would n't that awesome at all.so thank you guys! i love you! Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Title: Ilove this song Christmas Date: Sunday, December 2, 2007
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