If only you knew you were the one

If only you gave me one more chance


Hello, welcome to an-infatuatedlove.blogspot.com. :D
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I'm Alyssa Leong, God brought me into this world
on 20th March 1994, That's right, I'm 15.
I inspire to be a Singer/ Actress
My friends are AWESOME, Family is Great
I'm in love with a guy, who is basically my type
God has been guiding me every step of the way
Lastly, Don't let my size fool you

My wants.

Dear Santa, here's my wishlist, HIM
to be a famous Singer
Aldo Heels,
That Dress
Guitar, Acoustic and Electrical






MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

I wish I can fly.

Abram. Amanda(Aussiebuddy:D). Caleb. Dorcas. Emilyn. Mattathias . Natalia. Natalie. Pearly. Priscilla. Rachel. ShiMin. Zahiya. GOOGAMBONG!
Al-Emporio. Amalina. Belinda. Charmaine. Chervon. Chienyee. Fatin. JiaQi. Joey. Joy. Junyuan. KangHao. Lincoln. Lydia. Mas. Marilyn. Nithya. Nigel. Pearly. Ren Hui. Richelle. Samantha. Sarah. SuMay. Tricia. Yingwen. Yunxin. Zahiya. ZheHui.


October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2011


Designer: Jocelyn.
Bases: Surrender!yourtechno.
Quotes: Quotegarden
Avatar: Glitter-graphics
Image hosting: Photobucket
Hosting: Blogskins| Blogger
Date: Friday, January 30, 2009

Emo-ness is catching up on me,
I'm helping people get together
with who they love, trying to help
them out, making it work, but I
can't seem to make it work for myself,
Somehow, I like people for a very long
time and won't get tired, I'd love to help
to people who have problems, but I can't
never help myself, I mean, i do like him,
don't I?

&&Emo-ness is never a go feeling
someone tell me how to make it go away


School has been ultra-duper-zuper-uper boring
with 2H'08 around, I mean, even though we didn't
really study in the beginning but at least we had fun
now after camp, we bonded and got really serious about
studies, I miss them so very much, 3G is a too quiet class.
I'm not saying that its a horrible class, I'm just too used to studying
in that environment, pluss, I don't know why I've been feeling so emo
these few days, Its like I'm living in a world on my own, I may
seem like myself, but actually I'm faking it, Oh daddy God, please
help me, I don't want to feel emo, It feels horrible, so terribly
horrible, I don't want to live this life !,
"How do i tell you how I feel when you are so chilled about it?
I'm scared, afraid, and I really am at a lost"

&&Maybe its best if i leave
I wish you a happy life ahead

Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I say stop, Stop, STOP!,
STOP making me believe that
you still love me, its frustrating, I'm
trying to forget you, please stop
I'm not miserable being with you,
I just don't want it the way it was,
I'm seriously begging you

&&Honey, don't go breaking my heart,
I just mended it back

Date: Monday, January 26, 2009

Somehow, In love,
girls would always never get the guy
they want and guys most of the time would
get the girl that they want,ARGH!, why is love
so hard to find?!,In this world and in this life,
This is just how these things role, We're all
emo by nature, and sometimes, we feel like
dying inside, sometimes in our own daily prayer,
we'll still feel emotionally hurt inside but for a shorter
period of time as the Lord is taking the pain away,
But during that time, whether we like it or not, wild
thoughts in our head will start, thinking, and thinking
Being emotional by nature is not an option, its just the way
life is, we just gotta try to accept it and be cool for once.
I'm speaking from experience and pain.

&&Sorry,If I scared you,
I just wanted to make myself clear

Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday, went to church in red as Gracie asked us to on Saturday,
but she turned up in maroon=,=', Today at cellgroup, we got lectured by
Gracie and and Azmi, at first, Truthfully, I was a little upset because sometimes
Azmi's and Gracie's heart weren't also in church, but after a while, I figured out
why they told us all those things, they were right, who laughs while worshiping
Christ? Who eats peanuts while praying? These are really not the right things to
do during cells or in services, and I really really felt bad, and I know Gracie is still
mad at us, I'll try my very best not to laugh in church, I am those type of people
who would basically laugh at anything, well, almost, Its a good thing that Azmi
asked us to pick worship IC, welfare/treasurer IC prayer IC, devotion IC, to make
duty rosters for the class, everyone will get a chance to do something well, I'm really sorry
God, Gracie and Azmi, as an individual, yeah, I maybe a Christian, but I'm not better
than the non-Christians, I'll be focused now, everytime when it comes to cellgroup,
after that, then i can play, I also hope that as a Class, we would be focused and all,
Because better is one day, in the Lord's house, a thousand else where, we all experienced
God during Youth camp, and we'd thought we would change for the better, but we had just
just realised that we're back at where we started, as a slacked class, and that wasn't
suppose to be happening, we were changed, but what made us change back to our normal
ways? and We shouldn't even have allowed this change, I call myself a Child a God, I tell people
about Christ, but the way I live as a Christian, I'm not even fit to be called a Child of God,
or for that matter, tell others about living their life for Christ, and I feel really guilty, I'll change back to the Alyssa who was changed after campFREE'08

&&As the sun fades away,
I'd reflect on today

Date: Monday, January 19, 2009

Sick today, so I decided to blog, Nothing Much has happened.
Just that School is really horrible, I have tons and tons of
homework, Life is getting harder and harder, by the second,
Its really getting to me that by the time I want to get a job,
the requirements of the Job would be higher, like now, to be a
Kindergarten Teacher, its at least a degree, I think by the time
I'm old enough for a job, even the Road Sweepers, the qualifications
would be at least an 'A' level certificate, and an 'O' level certificate
could get you no where, I'm trying my hardest to study, but nothing seems
to be going in my head, its hard, really hard, I'm just trying to be calm and
pray that I can pass this year, with the Lord's help, I hope I can,
Daddy God, Help me please,I need to get pass this rough and tough road,

&&It doesn't matter if you don't like me,
I've just got used to it.

Date: Friday, January 16, 2009

Bar Chor Mee in Action!
TZC youngest hip hop dancers!:D


Its going to be Chinese new year soon, time really flies,
I miss everything that happened in 2008, and I miss 2H'08,
the events I went through in 2008, are still stuck in my mind, I
really can't get it outta my head, School now, isn't as fun anymore,
The only reason why I am going is because of my friends and Future,
So much stress, this year, you HAVE to pass maths, and English, and
the other subjects must all add up to be 19 points, Argh! I barely got any
points last year, I'm in need to buck up, and fast, Here are my teachers for
this year,
English: Mr.Joseph Guo,
Maths:Mr.Jason Lum
Chinese:Ms Zeng Yan
Physics:Ms Joanna Ong
Chemistry:Mr Thio /Mr Firhad
History:Mr Steve Ow
F&N:Ms Teo/Ms Ben
And these teachers are good, I kinda like them,
Okay, signing off now,

&&You'll be the prince
and I'll be the princess

Date: Monday, January 12, 2009

It has been 12 days of School, and I'm not really enjoying myself
expect the fact that classes are now shorter, they feel shorter,
I'm like, I don't know, the same as last year, talking loudly in class,
not very ladylike behavior in class, I'm not really like that outside in church,
Its strangely weird, Undignified!'09, it was great, the events that happened
so far, this year

2nd January: Start of School D:
10 January: Undignified! :D

He's still stuck in my head, this is going to be tough,
anyway, signing off now

i tried to let you go
But you kept capturing my heart