If only you knew you were the one

If only you gave me one more chance


Hello, welcome to an-infatuatedlove.blogspot.com. :D
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I'm Alyssa Leong, God brought me into this world
on 20th March 1994, That's right, I'm 15.
I inspire to be a Singer/ Actress
My friends are AWESOME, Family is Great
I'm in love with a guy, who is basically my type
God has been guiding me every step of the way
Lastly, Don't let my size fool you

My wants.

Dear Santa, here's my wishlist, HIM
to be a famous Singer
Aldo Heels,
That Dress
Guitar, Acoustic and Electrical






MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

I wish I can fly.

Abram. Amanda(Aussiebuddy:D). Caleb. Dorcas. Emilyn. Mattathias . Natalia. Natalie. Pearly. Priscilla. Rachel. ShiMin. Zahiya. GOOGAMBONG!
Al-Emporio. Amalina. Belinda. Charmaine. Chervon. Chienyee. Fatin. JiaQi. Joey. Joy. Junyuan. KangHao. Lincoln. Lydia. Mas. Marilyn. Nithya. Nigel. Pearly. Ren Hui. Richelle. Samantha. Sarah. SuMay. Tricia. Yingwen. Yunxin. Zahiya. ZheHui.


October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2011


Designer: Jocelyn.
Bases: Surrender!yourtechno.
Quotes: Quotegarden
Avatar: Glitter-graphics
Image hosting: Photobucket
Hosting: Blogskins| Blogger
Date: Monday, March 30, 2009

I really do like you, but you wouldn't like me,
Maybe as a friend, but i think i just screwed that
friendship, and I'm really sorry, I guess I'm just too
naive, thinking that you would really like me if i keep
talking to you and showing you my personality that
you'll like it as, its really close to yours, but I guess I was
wrong and I just hope that you would forgive me, and being
friends is all that i need now, please stop avoiding me, Its hurting
me inside, well, i guess I should probably give you up ready,
I've waiting a long time, maybe its just time, I'm sorry for everything,
like disturbing your sleep, and making you come out to meet me,
and i really hope that you liked the musical that I was in and
you watched, kinda awkward seeing me dance from the front, yeah?
I'm just so glad you came for that one, Well, I guess I really still like you,
but giving up is hard, what should I do ? I'm not obsessed, I just like you,
Well, i just have to make a decision.

Charming and sweet,
picks me off my feet.

Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009

Perth was awesome, but i'm not in the mood for reading it here,
I actually have a secret, I compose songs,
I wait for inspiration, and the words and tunes
would just appear in my head somehow, But i
would forget the songs after a few days, i think so far I've
composed like 6 songs already, but i only remember
one of them, which sucks, I iwsh I can be singer/pop-star
But, i don't have the face and the body to do that, its not that I'm THAT
fat, just not the average shape, which sickens me, I've been trying to lose
weight, but apparently, its not working out, My life now, is really weird, I'll
tell you some,

1.The Songs I compose never go out to anyone else ears as I'm too shy
2.I have to forget the person i love, although, i don't want,
3. My academic results suck like crap.

Date: Friday, March 13, 2009

ALYSSA LEONG is NOT happy today );<
This E-learning assignments are killing me
ALIVE!, I can't seem to concentrate, he was
really sweet to me today, Thanks !, Anyway,
Bye people, I'm going to Australia for 9 days,
Well, I would be online but i wouldn't be blogging,
I think E-Learning should be banished, but
I'm part of the MOE, so this isn't my decision to
make, so I'm just angry at E-Learning although
we're given 3 days of "holiday", But also, someone pissed
me off today ! But I'm not going to scold the
person, I'm trying to calm down, Well, my mood
is has perked up a little after typing out my ANGER,
I still can't seem to get him out of my head, Joel(African)
gave me a really good advise BUT its just not me, so
I'm not gonna ignore it, but wait and see if I still like
him next year, If i still do, I shall try the advise out,
but, i think i say it, I'll probably puke, Its just not,
Okay, I admit, I am shy, anyway, Its really weird that
a girl is asking. And Yeah, I'm not a straightforward kind
of person, so, not very fond of his advise, But I shall hold
my puke, and after i say it, I'll run away, far far away,
and puke, but if doesn't like me and if he was touched by
what i did and ask me the question, we still wouldn't be
happy, because, He doesn't like me, so I'll just say no for
that one, anyway, 3G is apparently is nice class, Amalina,
ShiMin,Evelynn,Janices,Ruyi,Emilyn,Diana,Mas, these
awesome people are really nice and others too
, well, I don't plan to go into any clique cause,
I'm not sure that we'll end up like
my last clique and my last clique ended with not a pretty
good ending because I decided to act like a bitch, and I'm
telling you, acting like a bitch wouldn't bring you happiness
or make people scared of you, and I just want to say, really
SORRY, to the people in my last clique, Misunderstandings
got in our way and I didn't realise that I was acting like a
bitch until the clique broke up, acting like a bitch is not fun
at all, Don't act like a bitch is my best advise, if there's anything
wrong, don't try to push the misunderstanding further, because,
you might lose some of your greatest friends that you never had
in your life, and I really miss those times, but Its all over now,
and I just intend to be a neutral person, so I think thats good,

&&I wished that never did happen
Because of that, things went hay-wire

Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mummy told me that I'm getting her phone and her
phone is like super nice can ! Although, not the latest
but who cares ? As long as I think its nice, Its fine right ?
and I'm going to Perth in a few daysies ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm gonna miss S'pore, but going to Aussie is better.
There will be kangaroos and Kola bears and Wombats !
Whhooooooo I'm sooooo Happpppyyyy !

Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ps( We took 20 mins to wait for the guys to get out of the lift, and trust me, it was freaky)


Today, i have the most spectacular
birthday party in my whole life !
I thank all you guys for coming, you
really made my day, and i appreciate
Sorry that i celebrated my birthday during
your birthday, but you came, and we sang a
song for you, So, forgive me yeah ? anyway,
We went to my house after church, watched
A Cinderella Story, and waited for the guys to come
as they wanted to get something for Jinglong, and
when they arrived, they continued to watch the movie,
only around 5-ish we went down to play, Frisbee/Soccer/
Volleyball/Basketball/Touch Rugby, and it was so much fun.
Although, my tooth bled from a frisbee hit, but thats fine,
After the games, the girls went up first, to realised after
5 mins that the boys got stuck in the lift !, and honestly,
that pissed me off a lot, but after that, I cooled down, and
we did the cutting of cake, and did a "find your prince and
princess" game on A Cinderella Story Special Feature, and
it was absolutely fun, Thanks Aaron, Vera, YanYan, Joel,
JingLong, YanYi, Mattathias, Shawn and Ruyi for coming to
my party, although there were a little people, but i was touched
by them, when they took their time out to even come to my
party, its the thought that counts, and thanks for the prezzies,

&&Friends do really make your day,
Thanks for everything

Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009


Oh my gosh, today was so much fun !
I had fun today, You know, 3G isn't that
bad a class, i'm starting to love it a lot,
Today, we had cleaning up of the classroom
and decorating it, only a few of us came,
Amalina, Diana, ShiMin, Evelynn, Natalia,
Ifraq, Taufik, Justin, Zulfaiz, Faiz, Haiqal,
and me, and i think we did a darn good job,
APPLAUSE ! =D, We did our classroom, from
BORING, to AWESOME ! and it was fun, we also
helped Mr . Rebbeck with his classroom as he didn't
ask his class to help, so we decided to help him,
I never felt so apart of a class before, I mean last year
too, but too many clicks here and there, In this class,
there is only 1 click, i think, if not, then there isn't any at all,
Which is what i LOVE about this class, But i still my xi shua shua
class )=, But now i love 3G, i know this class is gonna be great,
Alright let the pictures do the talking

&& You guys are the best
Thanks for everything

Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today, i 'm like feeling emotional(emo)
So i'll just type it here, You know, i just
watched the movie "a Cinderella story"
the one Hillary Duff starred in, and she
was this average girl living as a maid,
for her step-family, but she still got her
man in the end, but when i come to think
about it, even if i was that Cinderella girl,
I doubt guy would like me, Because although
she's a maid, at least she's pretty but I'm not,
and when i like a guy, the guy never seems to
like me, the guy would like my friends but it
is never me and I'm basically not mad or depressed
or even I'm not BOY-CRAZY, but its just so hard to
find a crush for me, i mean, in my whole 15 years of life,
I only had 3 crushes, for some girls, the can reach up
to like say, 10 already ? I only have 3, because its so
hard for me to forget a crush, and when i saw that Cinderella
movie, i was saying to myself :" that girl's never gonna
be me, I'll never find my Mr.Right, even if i found him,
he probably would like some other girl, my fairytale stories
are all about me for now, i 'm like this ugly princess who dreams
to be those pretty girls but never gets it, so basically, I'll
never find my one and only Mr.Right," I just keep getting crushes
but never date anyone because basically, i have no one
, I've lost all hope in my fairytale, all of it because
No matter how much i try, It won't come true,
Mr Right would always have someone else in
his heart, and never me, and I'm trying to accept
the fact that I should have never believed in fairy tales.

&&and too think that i like you,
I'd never would knew that you would change