If only you knew you were the one

If only you gave me one more chance


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I'm Alyssa Leong, God brought me into this world
on 20th March 1994, That's right, I'm 15.
I inspire to be a Singer/ Actress
My friends are AWESOME, Family is Great
I'm in love with a guy, who is basically my type
God has been guiding me every step of the way
Lastly, Don't let my size fool you

My wants.

Dear Santa, here's my wishlist, HIM
to be a famous Singer
Aldo Heels,
That Dress
Guitar, Acoustic and Electrical






MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

I wish I can fly.

Abram. Amanda(Aussiebuddy:D). Caleb. Dorcas. Emilyn. Mattathias . Natalia. Natalie. Pearly. Priscilla. Rachel. ShiMin. Zahiya. GOOGAMBONG!
Al-Emporio. Amalina. Belinda. Charmaine. Chervon. Chienyee. Fatin. JiaQi. Joey. Joy. Junyuan. KangHao. Lincoln. Lydia. Mas. Marilyn. Nithya. Nigel. Pearly. Ren Hui. Richelle. Samantha. Sarah. SuMay. Tricia. Yingwen. Yunxin. Zahiya. ZheHui.


October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 April 2010 May 2010 February 2011


Designer: Jocelyn.
Bases: Surrender!yourtechno.
Quotes: Quotegarden
Avatar: Glitter-graphics
Image hosting: Photobucket
Hosting: Blogskins| Blogger
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009

There are a million people in this world,
but in the end, it all comes down to one.

I really do like you a lot,
but telling you is another thing,
I'm not sure that I can hand this
kind of torture, and I'm really
upset with myself

Today was a boring day,
I'm not going to elaborate.
but today there was this bee
that attacked my class, and
every girl, almost was screaming
including me, I'm freaking scared
of them , I mean, i'd literally faint
on the spot, like today, my legs got
so wobbly that I fell down the stairs,
on my bum, it was super painful okay !
anyway, I'm extremely sad, it seems like
He's avoiding me, I mean, I think he read
my blog, I mean, I think so, and that is
not a good feeling, maybe I shouldn't
have been so straightforward, or put it here,
I should have just kept it to myself, and I'm
really sorry, I know I've embarrassed you,
and yeah,

&&This Hurts more than you think,
Its not easy to live this way,

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If Love falls from the sky,
I wonder which Love is mine.

Maybe Its not too late to
tell you how I feel about you,
probably that would make feel
better, I hope it does.

In class today, was kinda fun,
wouldn't elaborate, although today,
Ruyi got PWNED ! ;D, Marcus, In
chinese class was sitting one table
behind Ruyi, and he kept using
his legs and pushing it too Ruyi, and
Then She pushed it back, and so on,
Then Leon decided to Sit at that sit,
and Pushed Ruyi so front and Ruyi
thought Leon was Marcus, and she went
" Aa, aa ?" She so got totally PWNED !
Anyway, Janice, Janis and I kept teasing
her that she's a BFW, I wouldn't tell
you what is it here, anyway, I'm getting
Fatter by the day, I can tell, I want
to slim down ! The fats only go to my
stomach, I need to burn it off ! and eat
healthy and less too ! About my Crush
problem, I beginning to think that I'm
too like naggy about this situation,

I guess I am naturally that way ? when
it comes to love ? I should think about I
say before I shoot it outta my mouth,
If not someone could get hurt, I gotta
know when to zip nowadays, I mean, I'm
not a straightforward person, I just don't
think about what I'm gonna say,
dear my love, when would you ever notice me ?
I've been waiting in silence for a long time, giving
you hints and signs, aren't these obvious enough ?
I'm too scared to tell you face front, I'm a shy girl,
Like you said, you don't really like them, I mean,
I can try, but I'm afraid that before I say anything,
I'll blow, or ran, which is possible, so my dear love,
would you accept me if I told you that I like you ?
JLXH, would you ?

&&I hope I'm making the right desicion,
to tell you how I feel

Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009

The sky is only blue,
when i think of you

When I lie down on green
pastures, and stare at the
sky, I think of you, when
I think of you, the sky is
blue, the loveliest blue,
you can ever imagine.

Today was a fun day, as usual
The weekend is almost ending !
Time flies even faster this time
round, and I kinda don't want
that too happen, that means,
fun moments, they'll be gone in
just a blink of an eye, and I really
hate that, anyway, at church, today
the pastor's story really touched my
heart deeply, He was almost killed
twice by his father because He insisted
to be a Christian even though he's malay,
and actually God saved him from being
killed by his father, TWICE ! Which
was pretty amazing, I must say,

and I start to wonder, I came from a
Christian Family, 3rd generation, I
think, and there is nothing stopping me
from being a Christian, and yet, I don't
cherish that, People like this Pastor,
they had to fight their way, because of
what their parents believe, and yet,
here I am, from a completely Christian
family and not taking chances, I mean
my family is the complete opposite of
this pastor's life, my father would "kill"
me if I didn't read the bible. or go to church
so does my church cell group leader, and
now, I've realised what a horrible Christian
I am, I need to change, to a better person.

&& Maybe what was said is true,
That I'm not right for you

Date: Friday, April 24, 2009

If only Cupid was real,
probably our love problems would be over.

Cupid, shoot your love arrow,
but if your crush likes someone
else, the love triangle story would
be never ending, and thats a problem
everyone would have to face, so
maybe having Cupid may not be right.

Today I didn't go to school, well,
yesterday the flexibility challenge,
it probably went too much for me,
now I feel like an old grandmother,
Sitting on is painful, trying to get outta
bed is difficult, not to mention, i sleep
on the upper deck of my double-decker
so that means, I would have to get down,
I took 10 minutes this morning, argh,
It felt like crap, anyway, my crush problem
is about to end soon, because, I've decided
to tell him whether it would break me, or
make me, so I'm gonna be prepared, I just
realised that I eat when I'm upset, which
basically is not good ! anyway, thats it for today.

&& When everyone is happy,
You're the only one who'll feel down

Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009

They say that crushes are easy to forget,
But why is it that I can't forget you ?

They say that good things take time,
But really is that the true ? waiting for you
is like waiting for Singapore's temperature to
stop, and I can't take it anymore really, but my
heart just can't seem to stop loving you.

Today was yet another fun day, it was a
fun Thursday, usually, thursdays, i'd hate it
so so much, The day started with me feeling
so sleepy, but Lesean woke me up with his funny
and cute jokes of his, he was walking around like a
zombie, it was hilarious and also we wrote stuff on
his hand when he was sleeping, and when Ms Thio
woke him up was the funniest, he got up, open his eyes
and went back to sleep, then woke up again and slept
on Justin's shoulder then finally, woke up, saw the words
on his hand and suddenly his opened his eyes like he got
struck by some lighting and said : " Ms Thio, i want to
toilet ", after he came back, he went to the wrong class !
It was so funny, Ruyi and I laughed so hard that I almost
couldn't breathe !

Chinese, nothing too exciting happened,, PE,
I had to do my five stations, I passed everything
but standing broad jump, I don't understand, I used
to be good at it, my stomach muscles now ache too,
ooh and my leg muscles too, cause we did some flexibility
and I showed them some things and Ruyi was like :" You got
no bones arh ? " I mean I'm just naturally flexible I guess, after
that Ruyi and I skipped English Class, and it was fun, we
were playing with Marilyn, and after that was physics, and
nothing much happened there too and after that was local service
learning talk, I wasn't sent to any work-attachment yet ! ): I want
to go to the childcare centers or at least JobDB, Its a nice place.

So yeah thats all for today,

&& I'm screaming in pain inside,
but would you ever notice or know ?

Date: Monday, April 20, 2009

Don't try to change yourself for who people tell you to be, Change yourself by what God tells you to be.

Sometimes, Yes, its hard to try not to act like you care about what people tell that is imperfect, but basically, we were born in this imperfect world, No one's perfect, Well, only God is, You may get the things you want, life may go your way, but think again, does this good life last long without the help of God?

Should I tell him how I feel ? I know that
he likes someone else now, I mean many many
people have asked me to tell him upfront, but I'm not
that kinda of person, so anyway, Today, School was at its
ultimate BEST ! Mr Ow was giving us scenario's about our new
test coming up, to help us understand STALIN, well, I only think
he's one jealous monkey, and it was fun for a start, after that was
Recess, I sat with Ruyi, Claudia, Rachel, Joey and Zahiya, They are
fun people to be with, Today I brought 1 box of lackerol to school,
but History lesson, it was 3/4 gone =,=" Anyway, after Recess was
F&N and it was ultra fun, expect the fact Ms Ben gave us a worksheet
to do that made our hands and neck painful, Issac, Loysius, Ding Quan
kept acting like China/Hong Kong men, with that cute accent, it was so
funny, we laughed for like 15 minutes, anyway, after that was Break, and I
LOVE IT, we played Speed, and Mas was ultra CUTE, she didn't know
to play, so she started watching, after a few rounds, she some what understood
the game, so she helped me and Ruyi, like :" 2 ! , 3 ! , QUEEN !" it was hilarious,
So anyway, Physics, Ms Ong didn't come again ! Goodness, its been like,
3 weeks, I hope she isn't that sick, But I wouldn't mind that, at Physics,
Ruyi and I played this quiz, like your future quiz, and at the Marriage Sprouse,
it was the contacts in Ruyi's phone, so I added a few and tried my luck, that time
I got my crush's good friend and I lived in a HUGE manison, being a CIA
investigator, and the second time, i got my crush, but I live in a beautiful shack =,= "
and was a, Hmmm, I forgot that part, but I think these quizzes are BULLCRAP,
Although its fun and oh so funny, the whole time we were playing that game and also
a new thing called SQUEEZE IT, where you take pictures, and pull the person's face or body,
and you can wobble it ! , it was so funny, at English, no sorry, at lifeskills, was the
bomb, we played pass the message and oh my goodness, it was so painful, all the
whacking, pinching, but what fun, and also we didn't have english ! , hehe, Thats about it
for today, I don't have the Monday Blues anymore, I'm in love with it, Well, I was feeling
upset today until I stumbled upon a lame joke, but it was funny, :" People say nothing is impossible,
but I do nothing everyday" Lame isn't it, but it cheered me up a little, Going off to bed now.

They say that good things take time,
But why is it that it never seems to happen to me ?

Date: Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm as happy as a lady who just got her boyfriend,

Date: Friday, April 10, 2009

Do me a favor
Tell me what you think about me
Tell me how you want this to be
Go out on a limb and just dream

Paint a picture
Choose the colors extra wise
Especially what you put on my mind
Imagine what it be like to touch the sky, yay yeah

Your thoughts are gonna pick me up
Do you know
It's good to feel too much?

Oh, you've got my head in the clouds
Oh, you've got me thinking out loud
The more you dream about me, the more that I believe
That nothing's ever out of reach, so dream, dream, dream,

I love this song, its called Dream by Hannah Montana, i mean
Its exactly what I'm feeling, and its a cute song, I just am totally
in love with this song, This is only half of the song, ahahs,
off to watch a movie with Ruyi and Pearly soon, Hopefully with
Claudia too,

Your smile means everything to me,
So don't ever frown.

Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today, class was fun, like every other day ,
I'm starting to love school now, seriously,
If you concentrate in class, time goes by faster,
if you don't, the time just goes slowly, also, if you
have fun, time goes by even faster, I love 3G, and the
people in it, probably, i few, i don't love but hey, theres
still like, Ruyi is my laughing buddy in class, every single
day without fail, we're gonna laugh about something for a
long time, and I mean LONG, Last few days of school was pretty
fun, expect for Mr.Lum, He said that my graph was HAIRY,
rawr, in what way does it look hairy, ! He's always trying to make
jokes so that we understand better, hahs, today, i had stomach pain,
so i signed out of school earlier, Today at Chemistry, Ms Thio told us
that we had to split, into two classes, 1-20 and 21-42, but it may not be
permanent, they may, do weak ones, and the okay ones, and I must say,
I'm shocked at myself, I'm actually doing good in Chemistry, in fact, it is
my best subject now, which i am happy, i never knew that i can be good at
science, my physic is quite good, not say there yet, but I'll try, Today, the whole
day, i was sms-ing, Jeremy, this guy who transferred schools, used to
be from my class, Yeah, and he is a fun person to talk to, hahs, okay, anyway,
today, I'm seemly happy, as I think i can ace my Chemistry test, expect
for one page that i did badly, the Chromatology one, I forgot everything about it,
and also why is water not a mixture but a compound, i only new one, I'm absolutely,
in love with puppies now, but anyway, thats it for now,

Sometimes, I can only be 1% of the real me,
Its hard because people want you to be what they want you to be.

Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Excellent ! now you are officially a decade old !
trying to make you sound old, hahs, ILOVEYOU

Date: Monday, April 6, 2009

My life is good and bad right now,
I'm so loving my parents now,
Yesterday Mummy actually said that
for my sake, she's willing to quit her job and
go do part time, and also learning driving, so
that my sister and I can actually get to school on time,
and I got so touched, and she listed the things, she and daddy
did when we were younger thats why maybe, we became rebellious,
but c'mon, every child goes rebellious, well, almost, and said that
she was really sorry, and well, its probably true, I was the most pampered
one in the family, i mean before my sister could actually stand and talk,
and we are renovating the whole house, its about time though !,
we've been living in this place for like 10 years, and there is quite a bit
of problems in this house, but we'll fix it, get it cured, and also,
we have to do the house work now, but we'll hire a part-time maid for
washing clothes, not full-time, just a part-time, and we'll do the rest
ourselves, which, is kinda cool, anyway, now for the bad, seriously,
Whenever I tell myself, I have forgotten about _ _ _ _ _ _, totally,
then he would somehow, talk to me and like asked, if I'm free to chat,
and instantly, the feeling comes back, which sucks to the core, our names have
the same amount of letters, I'm the OBSESSIVE type, just the forgot and
un-forget type, which is fine, i'd rather that then the crazy in love type.
so just trying my extreme best, because I have to, if not, I would get hurt,
I mean if he likes me too, which may not may not happen, then maybe my life
would be better, we'd just be friends that like each other, i guess, but I'm fine

Grab a hold of my hand,
and never let it go